Speed Seal Assembly
- Mar 23, 2023
Aluminum SPEED-SEAL: Earl’s aluminum SPEED-SEAL hose ends are not recommended for use on auto motive brake systems. Avoidance of over torquing is especially important with aluminum sockets.
TO REDUCE brake line swell under extreme pressure and consequent loss of pedal travel and firmness, stainless braid protected hose of extruded PTFE (Earl’s SPEED-FLEX) is used throughout the racing industry as flexible brake and clutch hoses. Earl’s proven record of reliability and unmatched range of configurations has made SPEED-SEAL reusable hose ends the choice of professional race teams worldwide. Since brake system hose ends are often subject to fatigue from extreme vibration, Earl’s adjustable SPEED-SEAL –3 forged hose ends feature 80% greater wall thickness than those of our competitors.
In recent years, various fuel manufacturers have added any number of new unpublished additives to their blends rendering some of them incompatible with synthetic rubber lined hose.
Earl’s SPEED-FLEX PTFE lines stainless braided hose is impervious to any automotive fuel blend known to us and may be the best choice for use with modern racing gasolines. All SPEED-FLEX hoses are compatible with gasoline, hydrocarbon fuels, alcohols, nitro-methane, mineral and synthetic lubricants, and high-density fuel additives. Not recommended for use with any other manufacturers’ hose. (Not for use with any other Earl’s hose).
Some caution is necessary in the selection of armored PTFE hose. The PTFE liner is manufactured in two wall thicknesses, commercial (.030") and aircraft specifications (.040"). Earl’s uses the thicker and stronger wall. There are also hoses in the marketplace manufactured in such a manner that the stainless braid is loose on the PTFE liner. These hoses offer good pressure capacity but limited expansion resistance.
SPEED-SEAL hose ends are available in stainless steel and anodized aluminum, in both low profile and bent tube construction and in adjustable and non-adjustable configurations.